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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mortal Kombat 4 Game Name : Mortal Kombat 4 System : Nintendo 64 Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:38:51 Views : 32067 Cheat : Cheat Menu: 1. Go to the Main Menu. 2. Access the Options. 3. In the Option Screen, highlight the "Continues 3" option. 4. Hold the Run and Block buttons for 10 seconds or until the Secret Menu appears. Automatic fatalities: Enable the "Cheat option" code, then turn on the "Fatalities 1" selection. Then execute an uppercut from anywhere on the screen. Automatic level fatalities: Enable the "Cheat option" code, then turn on the "Level Fatalities" selection. Then press Down + High Punch when close to your opponent at the "Finish Him" prompt. Note: The best place to execute the level fatality is the level with the big fan. Automatic endings: Enable the "Cheat option" code, then turn on the "Endings" selection. To see a character's ending without defeating all the fighters, enter arcade mode and defeat just one character. Fight as Goro: Successfully complete the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the bottom of the character selection screen. Press Up(3), Left to highlight Shinnok's icon, then press Run + Block (C-Left + C-Down by default). Fight as Noob Saibot: Successfully complete the game with Reiko and save the game. Then, enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the bottom of the character selection screen. Press Up(2), Left to highlight Reiko's icon, then press Run + Block (C-Left + C-Down by default). Fight as Meat: Enable the "Cheat option code". Enter "Group Mode" and successfully fight as all sixteen characters. After this has been accomplished, select any character and begin a match. Your character will playing as Meat with all the moves of the character that was selected. Johnny Cage's James Bond costume: Select arcade mode from the title screen. Highlight Johnny Cage, hold Start and press Low Punch(3) at the character selection screen. Johnny Cage will be dressed exactly like James Bond. Draw his weapon during a match to see a larger version of Bond's PP7 gun. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Mortal Kombat 4 cheat codes.
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