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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Myth: The Fallen Lords Game Name : Myth: The Fallen Lords System : Macintosh Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:08:54 Views : 23271 Cheat : Level select: Hold [Command] + [Space] and choose the "New Game" selection. Alternatively, hold [Space] and choose the "New Game" selection. Win level: Hold [Ctrl] and press [Keypad Plus] during game play in single player mode to successfully complete the current level. Lose level: Hold [Ctrl] and press [Keypad Minus] during game play in single player mode. Preview multi-player levels: Hold [Space] and select the multi-player (internet) option. Any multi-player map may be explored without connecting to BungieNet. Kill townspeople: Hold [Command] + [Shift] + [Option] and click on a towns person. Super character: Name a character Superman to become almost invincible under the easiest difficulty setting. Taunt opponents: Select a unit to modify, then press T during game play. At random times, a cheer will be heard. Hint : Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Myth: The Fallen Lords cheat codes.
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