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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Madden NFL 06 Game Name : Madden NFL 06 System : Nintendo DS Date Added : 2005-08-04 19:33:58 Views : 23732 Bonus Cards: Have the Game Boy Advance games Madden NFL 2005 or Madden NFL 06 in the cartridge slot. Go to "Madden Cards". The game will detect the Game Boy Advance game, and you can buy a bonus set of Madden Cards. High stepping into endzone: When you are running very far out in front of everybody and are by the endzone , hold X. Your player will high step all the way into the endzone. Pennants Get a "Gold" in the following tasks to unlock the corresponding pennant: #3: All-Madden Chase and Tackle drill. #28: All-Madden Coffin Corner drill. #36: All-Madden Ground Attack drill. #40: All-Madden Precision Passing drill. #52: All-Madden Swat Ball drill. #96: All-Madden Trench Fight drill. #58: All-Madden Clutch Kicking drill. #16: All-Madden Pocket Presence drill. #194: Chase and Tackle drill. #195: Ground Attack drill. #197: Clutch Kicking drill. #199: Swat Ball drill. #208: Pocket Presence drill. #209: Trench Fight drill. #210: Precision Passing drill. #211: Coffin Corner drill. Madden cards Go to My Madden at the menu, select My Madden, then go to Madden Cards. Select Madden Codes: 555128 - All stadiums 614897 - Classic teams Z28X8K - 3rd Down (Opponent has 3 downs to get a 1st) P66C4L - 5th Down (Get 5 downs to get a 1st) N44D6E - Bad Spot J33I8F - Bingo! (+75% defensive interceptions) L96U8Z - Coffin Corner P39I7J - Couch Potato B61A8M - Da Bomb (infinite pass range) I76X3T - Da Boot (infinite field goal range) M89S8G - Extra Credit (Points for interceptions and sacks) V65J8P - First and Fifteen (Opponent must get 15 yards for 1st down) O72E9B - First and Five (1st down yards set to 5) R14B8Z - Fumbilitis (Opponents fumbles +75%) R18C5K - Hands Of Glue W18R6P - Hands Of Stone L96J7P - Human Plow (Break tackle +75%) E53G8W - Jam D57R5S - Lame Duck (Opponent lobs passes) X78P9Z - Mistake Free (No fumbles or interceptions) Y59R8R - Mr. Mobility (QB cannot be sacked) Z15F9Z - Ouch! T67X6R - Passerby J83E9V - Penetration G97L1J - Pocket Protectors E65S6M - QB On Target D59K3Y - Super Dive (Diving distance +75%) H11X2G - Toast V34L6D - Tight Fit (Opponents uprights narrow) Q83L6Q - Time Out Y68G7D - Touchy L48G1E - Unforced Errors (Opponent fumbles when jukes) P13Q7V - Wind Gust H89Q4Y - Worker's Comp Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Madden NFL 06 cheat codes.
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