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You are viewing Cheat Codes for MLB ´99 Game Name : MLB ´99 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-02-05 00:06:20 Views : 50596 An "out" Despite a Hit ---------------------- When the game has started, throw the pitch so the hitter hits it, then throw it to second base. When the basemen gets it move so that the other team mate covers the base. Move close to the base towards your basemen and pree TRIANGLE and he will underhand it to the base men. If this is done right the ball will go high in the air. During that try to move the outfielder to the ball before it hits the ground. If he catches it it's an out! HINT-run to the basemen and throw it when close.you can do this on any base Easier Homeruns --------------- When you are up at bat the best way to hit a home run is to hold up and left buttons, hold these buttons after you hit the ball. This will make the ball fly passed the left fielder. NOTE: The left fielder may catch the ball. Easy Strike-Outs ---------------- To get easy strike-outs just get a pitcher with a good arm and a sinker. Pitch a sinker to the batter inside and down a little bit. (You should pitch it outside the strike-zone.) If you find the right spot just keep pitching it there and you should strike the batter out in 5 pitches (sometimes they don't swing.) Funny Announcement ------------------ When you are the pitcher don't do anything for 5 minutes. Then you will hear c'mon and Nachos or Peanuts. Then the anouncer will say "The baseball fan with the licence plate number of ----- your car is being towed." When pitching bean the batter on purpose and then as soon as it hits him press x three times immediately. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more MLB ´99 cheat codes.
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